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Posted Date: 09/12/2019


All parents want their children to be happy, connected and successful. Our community and our school district equally share in that desire and have a plan for making that a reality. The core business of schools is to provide engaging and appropriate experiences for students, so that they learn and are able to apply their knowledge in ways that will enrich their lives and ensure their well-being.

As a public school, CHISD recognizes that relationships are critical, one size does not fit all and accountability that inspires only comes from commitment and meaning. The shift in power needs to go back to the local community and school board. A more balanced state-local partnership is needed to provide the best learning experiences for all students. At CHISD it is our belief that everybody is somebody and we work hard to make surestudents are plugged in at the school.

CHISD supporting premises hold that: The voice of students should be respected and their feedback should be solicited regarding their learning and their response to the tasks they are assigned. The voice of teachers should be respected, particularly what they have to say aboutstudent performance, curriculum, instruction and programs. The voice of parents should be respected and their desire to be full partners cultivated to involve feedback in processes regarding theirchildren's assigned tasks and to promote willingness to do work at home that extends the learning.

Our main goal at CH ISD is community based accountability. It empowers students, parents and educators to build a learning community that honors and supports the work of students, teachers, staff, administration, school board and parents. The A-F Accountability system is only one part of how a school and district should be evaluated. At CHISD, we are all about the A's (Academics, Agriculture, Athletics, Arts, Advocacy and Accountability).