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Guardians with Previously Active Students - Enrolling a New Student

If you previously had active students in the district and need to enroll a new student:

Contact the campus at which you plan on enrolling the new student for help obtaining a login. Go to the campus that the student will attend.  You can also call ahead for an appointment to be sure the registrar will be available to complete your enrollment when you visit. Bring the documents listed below and the campus will let you know if any other information needs to be updated when you meet with the registrar.

Documentation to bring to the campus

  • Proof of residency - Choose ONE of the following:
    • gas, water, or electric bill from the current or previous month
    • contract on new home indicating expected occupation within the current semester
    • rental lease agreement ONLY if utilities are included in the lease
  • Certified copy of the birth certificate or a valid passport
  • Social security card (if the child has one)
  • Immunization records - please visit our Health Services page for more information on required immunizations 
  • Parent driver's license
  • Records from the school where the child was most recently enrolled